Soffit Windows

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An image of exterior window trim.
An image of exterior window trim.

Exterior Window Trim: How to Choose the Best Color Trim

Deciding upon the best exterior window trim for your home doesn't have to be tricky. We've created this quick guide to help you learn how!

According to Home Advisor, the average cost to add window trim ranges between $100 to $170 per window.

Choosing the right exterior window trim color comes down to what you hope to achieve.

For a subtle design, a monochromatic siding and trim create an elegant touch. On the other hand, a high-contrast color scheme can give your home character and depth.

An image of panel design.
An image of panel design.

Window Walls and Panel Design With Soffit

Window walls are a great ambiance creator! Discover how to design your window walls and panels with soffit. We've outlined everything you need to know!

According to Toronto Condo News, new advancements in window wall technology have made them more efficient and lower maintenance. Window walls have always been a desirable design choice because of the spectacular views they provide. Now you can enjoy their beauty without having to worry about excessive costs.

An image of storm window.
An image of storm window.

How to Match a Storm Window With Siding Panels and Soffit

A storm window is often overlooked as an addition to home development. Learn how to match a storm window with siding panels and soffit.

Without proper window installation, your living room can quickly become a pond after a night of rain! Storm windows are a great way to keep out the elements of a storm. While storm windows can provide a world of difference for your home, it's important to match them with the siding and soffit. If you're unsatisfied with your windows, keep reading to learn about storm windows and how to match them with your home!