How to Choose the Right Soffit Vent Covers: A Step by Step Guide

An image of soffit vent covers.

Are you struggling to find the right soffit vent covers? We're here to help you find the perfect fit. Click to learn how to choose the right covers!

3 min read

Why are your soffit vents important?

We know, we know, it's a burning question on everyone's mind. It's probably been keeping you awake for weeks now.

The good news is that you're in the right place to learn what's important about soffit vents and how to choose the correct soffit vent covers for your home.

Come along with us as we dive into some great information!

Why Are Soffit Vents Important?

If you're wondering where to find your soffits, just head outside your house and look towards the sky. The soffit is that board under your eaves. It serves a few purposes such as making your home look more finished and protecting your attic from the elements.

However, sealing off space completely isn't the best choice for your attic. That's why it's important to install soffit vents and replace them when they get old.

In the summer, the vents allow warm air to escape from your attic, lowering your cooling bills. In the winter, proper ventilation helps cut down on moisture buildup which can lead to mold and wood rot problems.

There are typically two types of soffit vents. The continuous type is long, narrow vents that run along the whole soffit. Individual vents are smaller and can fit between your soffit joints, making them easier to install.

Soffit vents can also be installed to vent a bathroom fan, range hood, or HVAC system.

Choosing the Perfect Soffit Vent Covers

The purpose of a soffit vent has the biggest impact on how you choose one. Attic soffit vent covers can be pretty simple, they just need to allow adequate airflow.

They should also include a screen so you don't have to worry about pesky critters getting into your attic. To make cleaning easier, you may choose to get one with a removable screen.

If you're venting something like a dryer or a bathroom fan, you'll need a slightly more advanced cover with a hood. The reason for this is that you need the cover to help direct moisture away from the home so that it doesn't get sucked back inside and cause moisture problems.

Watch for covers that come with a damper that automatically seals tightly when the fan is off but opens wide to allow free flow of air when it kicks on. One-piece plastic soffit vent covers with a curved hood and a one-way damper is a great choice for a practical option.

If your roof has a low slope, you may need to choose a low-profile cover with a squeeze elbow that will fit into the tighter space.

Learning About All Things Soffit

We hope this quick guide has given you a better idea of how to pick out the perfect soffit vent covers. It isn't too difficult, you just have to make sure the cover works for what you need and fits your roof.

If you have any more questions about soffits, don't hesitate to browse around on our blog. We have tons of information for you to look at!

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