A Step-by-Step Guide to Painting Eaves and Soffits the Right Way!

An image of eaves and soffits.

Painting the exterior of your house shouldn't feel daunting. These tips on painting the eaves and soffits of your house will make your work look professional!

3 min read

Don't get your paintbrush ready just yet! There are some steps we have to take before we get into painting your eaves and soffits if you want to prevent painting fails.

We're going to go over and teach you everything you need to know about painting soffits

Keep reading to learn how to paint your eaves and soffits with our step by step guide.

Learn What Your Soffit Is Made Out Of

Depending on what your material your soffit is made of will depend on the type of paint you get and how you prepare the surface. For example, if you have an aluminum soffit there are extra steps to take to make sure when you're done painting you have a finished product you expected.

If you have a wood surface you need a paint that's going to adhere to paint better than it would to aluminum. Before you buy your paint, be sure you go in understanding your soffit material.

Choose Your Colors

Now that you understand what type of paint you need to buy, it's time to choose your colors. You'll want them to match the rest of your house. If you're painting your entire house, be sure to get colors that compliment each other rather than clash.

If you're having a hard time deciding what colors to go with, check out some of these soffit ideas.

Prep the Surface

You know what type of material you have, and you have your colors, now it's time to get ready to paint. If you have an aluminum soffit you'll want to clean the surface with a cleaner and rinse with clean water. This will ensure the paint has a clean surface to adhere to.

Start Painting Your Eaves and Soffits

Taking caution with on your ladder, start painting in one direction. Then allow the paint to dry completely. Go back up again and paint in one direction two or three more times to have a nice thick coat, and so you get the right color.

When buying your paint, you're going to want to ask them to add a bonding agent to the paint so it withstands the elements better.

While you're painting soffits, you might also want to take a look at painting your gutters if you chose a color that clashes.

Benefit of Painted Eaves and Soffits

Painted eaves and soffits not only look good, but they also increase the longevity of the material you're painting. By having that extra layer of paint you're protecting the aluminum or wood underneath it against rain, hail, or other extreme weather changes.

Painting your house gives you a fresh and enticing look. It's great for new houses, selling houses, or just upgrading your current home.

Stay in the Know

If you liked this article, be sure to follow our blog for more tips and information about eaves and soffits. We're your go-to source for everything soffit related.

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